before anyone accuses me of not understanding the tone........ yes I do.
That said, I think showing disrespect to sincerely-held beliefs, on a public forum, well, doesn't help, does it?
To refer back to Marcus Aurelius, separate the philosophy from the effects and actions that sometimes arise from that philosophy, and consider each in its turn.
Besides, what's the big deal about virgins? Personally I'd prefer 80 dirty old slappers.
That's all very well Simon, but perhaps ridicule is sometimes the most appropriate response to the behaviour of individuals motivated to conduct obscene acts out of absurd belief. Being taken seriously is precisely what these inadequate individuals crave.
The same would apply to, say, Hitler, who as we all know very well, only has one ball, the other being, I understand, in the Albert Hall.
"We were standing outside our houses chatting. He asked me if I was religious and I said I did not believe in anything.
"He said I should. He told me he was going to get 80 virgins when he got to heaven if he praised Allah."
What I want to know is where do all the virgins come form?
80 virgins, you know, that's a lot, what if there was a sudden rush on like the last few weeks with Baghdad, Eygpt and London.
Oh that's easy - the virgins are the ones you see with their faces covered. It's not for modesty's sake you know!
Boy are those bombers in for an unpleasant surprise when the babes strip off...
before anyone accuses me of not understanding the tone........ yes I do.
That said, I think showing disrespect to sincerely-held beliefs, on a public forum, well, doesn't help, does it?
To refer back to Marcus Aurelius, separate the philosophy from the effects and actions that sometimes arise from that philosophy, and consider each in its turn.
Besides, what's the big deal about virgins? Personally I'd prefer 80 dirty old slappers.
That's all very well Simon, but perhaps ridicule is sometimes the most appropriate response to the behaviour of individuals motivated to conduct obscene acts out of absurd belief. Being taken seriously is precisely what these inadequate individuals crave.
The same would apply to, say, Hitler, who as we all know very well, only has one ball, the other being, I understand, in the Albert Hall.
And where did ridiculing him get anyone?
We won, didn't we?!
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