Thursday, July 28, 2005

Charles Clarke is on holiday

In case you didn't already know Charles Clarke is on holiday. Shortly we will notice absolutely no difference in service to the running of the nation in this time of crises, but this doesn't stop the media thinking that somehow this is important.

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Tony Blair has defended the Home Secretary's decision to go on holiday while the hunt for those behind the London bombings continues. If you cast your mind back to Monday, Clarke delayed the start of his holiday and came in for stinging media criticism.

Why on earth are the media so obsessed? If Clarke actually did anything of value other than grow a beard and appear on TV answering questions on behalf of the PM do you think they would let him go? Get a grip.

Please stop. Clarke is useless. He is the latest in a long line of useless Labour ministers whose sole purpose is...well just to look not very good at what they do. They do this well, we should be pleased. If not pleased then amused. If not amused then vaguely pissed, but possiblly most of all generally disinterested. I'm already there.

Geoff Hoon? John Prescott? Alastair Darling? John Reid? Patricia Hewitt? Tessa Jowell?

Boy is the list a long one. Now please will the media stop going on about Clarke and is bloody holiday. We should all be glad he has gone. I am with Blair on this.

"I personally think it's sensible for people to take the holiday they should have," Mr Blair told reporters.

And no, I have no idea where he has gone. Please do not ask.

1 comment:

ChrisB said...

Charles Clarke will be holidaying within reach of the all you can eat buffet.

Did you know that CC and TB used to have bordering gardens in Hackney and chatted regularly over the fence about how to transform law and order in Britain as they desperately tried to resist the urge to join the white flight from the benighted borough.

One wonders if it was during a particularly addled such session...
(CC: got any more claret Tony, I'm right out and frankly I really don't fancy that corner shop at this time of night?

TB: Not to worry, why not get yourself down the 24 hour on St Johns?

CC: You must be joking if you think I'm going all the way over there when you've got cases of communion wine filling your back bedroom)

...that Charles stumbled across a darkened garden and was hit in the face by a spade.

On a marginally more serious note I'm intrigued that the ultimate human right not to be blown up by terrorists which CC talked about recently is now being interpreted a little too broadly.