Sunday, June 12, 2005

There's something about Molly

You know what it's like there are some people from your past who you really liked at school they where smart, cool and you knew they were destined for greatness. In the Breakfast Club and Pretty In Pink Molly Ringwald was one of those people, her roles followed your own life, school angst exam anxiety with a cool indie sountrack.

As the end credits rolled Molly headed off into a Hollywood happy ending and I headed off to university. Occasionally Molly Ringwald articles appeared over the years usually along the lines of 'what ever happened to?' it was quietly reassuring to know that she was ok and hadn't done a Winnona

Then last year posters went up on the tube, articles appeared in the Sunday papers Molly Ringwald was in London starring in When Harry Met Sally. For a split second I actually wanted to rush out a buy a ticket but then then doubts kicked in... apart from the fact that I'm not a big fan of When Harry Met Sally I realised that I really didn't want to see an older version of Molly.

Call it a bad case of nostalgia, but school crushes really should stay in school. For me Molly Ringwald will always be Pretty In Pink rather than really on stage. Talk of reunions and remakes worries me: it's good to know everyone is alive and well, but any attempt to recapture the past is likely to end in tears. I will obviously watch the DVDs with pleasure but they are post cards from the past, happy memories but not a place to stay too long. Good luck to you Molly, I'll keep an eye out for you and hope you are never tempted to make the ladies who lunch club or thirty nine candles.


Anonymous said...

Doing a Winnona - that's taking a handful of Percocet and Xanax and going shoplifting, but really, we should go easy on her. Is there any other way to shop?

Dan said...

Excuse me, could you please point me to the "Too Early to Tell" blog. I seem to have stumbled upon Mollyworld by mistake.

Questrist said...

Ah but in the world where it is too early to tell Dan, who knows how the seemingly obscure career trajectory of Ms Ringwold will be judged... was her very obscurity itself a cover for her affair with a President, the Great American Novel she was writing, the future scientist she was bearing... or just because she had a crap agent? Only time will tell...

Dan said...

Mmm, come to think of it, didn't Larry Niven write books about Mollyworld. Or was that Ringwold?