Friday, October 28, 2005

Riots? What riots?

I don't know, Too Early To Tell is just so bleeding plural, innit. One moment we've got Neil Clark, the next Nick Cohen and now gorgeous, pouting Melanie Phillips and her take on the Birmingham race riots... or little local difficulty, as it has been largely portrayed in the press.


ChrisB said...

Frankly there was no reason at all to link to that craziness! And hey what a bonus, Theo the posh Midland uber-fuhrer of the NHS has all the answers and in a uniquely twisted development now thinks that multi-culturalists - for which read uppity n**gers - have committed a 'blood-libel' against the whites (whoever they are - ah sorry he's not racist I mean against their betters). Its no surprise that Melanie chip-on-my-shoulder-the size-of-the-West-Bank Phillips should delight in quoting this so bad its funny argument, but that doesn't make it any less offensive and his attempt to compare muslim shopkeepers to the 'petty-trading jews of Tsarist russia' tells us more than we really need to know about how smug it must be to be Theodore as he surveys the state of the restless natives, and indeed quite how detached his view of society is from reality, as he tours Birmingham's prisons before vomiting up his latest purgatory tale of damnation into the pages of the Torygraph much like a nineteenth century phrenologist touring Bedlam for material to support his prejudices.

Questrist said...

So what's your analysis, cock?