Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Breakfast Club - time for that reunion

Do you remember the 'The Breakfast Club'? The epitome of teen movies from the 1980s? Well, I do and I don't think I'm the only one. It's 20 years since that movie hit the screens and the cast is being bought back together at MTV's upcoming awards.

Don't ask me why, but I got a little excited by this. I'm easily pleased, what can I say? Besides, I remember liking the film quite a lot. Okay, I'll admit it, I might even somewhere, in a box, own the Simple Minds theme tune 'Don't you forget about me'. No problem on that score, that Saturday detention movie is fresh (you know'ish in my brain) after all these years.

I haven't seen it for years and keep meaning to pick it up in one of those regular "waste twenty quid on three/four/five (delete as appropriate DVD shopping trips to Virgin or HMV, but I've never seen it. I've already bought its stable mate 'Pretty in Pink' and watched it again at least once in its slightly faded colour.

'Pretty in Pink' is good and endearing in many ways (the 80s Brit soundtrack of New Order and the Smiths et cetera) luckless Duckie and spoilt brat James Spader. Molly Ringwald had her moments as did spineless Andrew McCarthy's charter.

But still it does not compare to 'The Breakfast Club' and its cast of Emilio Estevez as Andrew, Andrew Clark, Molly Ringwald as Claire, Ally Sheedy as Allison, Anthony Michael Hall as Brian) and Judd Nelson as Bender.

Okay, I think I might have had a crush on Ally Sheedy's character. Weakness for Brunettes, what can I say. Sadly she never went on to do much of note although everyone says 'High Art' was pretty good, but I never did see that. I'll add it to the list.

There must be a 20th anniversary box set on the way. John Hughes must be planning it now, let's face it he hasn't had much else on his hands ('Maid in Manhattan', 'Home Alone 4', anyone?).

Maybe he could even do us all a favour and do it as a box set throwing in 'Sixteen Candles'," 'Weird Science', 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' and maybe even 'Some Kind of Wonderful', which was really just 'Pretty in Pink reworked'.

There are other movies out there some of which I probably own, but some I don't and I think, you know, really I should. 'Heathers' to mind, but there must be other forgotten teen gems. Anybody?


Questrist said...

Funnily enough we were imagining a PIP reunion the other day - Molly Ringwald would have become a Desperate Housewife to philandering Andrew MacCarthy (or even James Spader?!) and Duckie would return to town famous musican/ film producer or such like. But then wasn't 13 going on 30 a kind of PIP comeback...?

Gordon MacMillan said...

Going on 30 was played for laughs there was nothing bitter about it. Pretty in Pink had an edge, it had social - wrong side of the tracks - commentary. Jennifer Garner is nice to look at, but it's all just amusing soft soap.

You actually felt for Molly when she was snubbed and had to wear that awful dress.

Dan said...

Hmm, I remember little of either film except that I kinda liked them at the time and I probably had a crush or several on Molly Ringwald. But if you're going to talk music: well, Psychedelic Furs beat Simple Minds *any* day (I will admit to owning "Promised You a Miracle", but that was the only decent thing they ever recorded: my theory is that once Jim Kerr stopped working on Glasgow building sites, and hence had no cause to fear that his co-workers would spot traces of nail varnish on his fingers, his song-writing went to pot)

Gordon MacMillan said...

I had the Psychedelic Furs - All of This and Nothing and Forever Now - and the original Pretty in Pink is very good.

Although, there is a moment at the end of the Breakfast Club where the Bender character comes out and punches the air and 'Don't you..." is playing and it just works. Okay, will now have to track this movie down.