Friday, September 09, 2005

Sold out

Having just bought a second pad in Belgium, this article made me smile...

Obviously if one has connections in Eastern Europe (nod to Baz) it can be worthwhile, but otherwise why spend 200,000 on a two bed apartment in Kiev?

Apparently the great British scramble for Eastern European property moves so fast that already countries such as Croatia and Bulgaria are old-hat.

So why not check out Romania, where the rotting hulk pictured below can be scooped up for another 200K? Romania is a little-explored country which has plenty of attractive, inexpensive properties and huge tracts of unspoilt countryside, mountains and beaches on the Black Sea. Hmmm, quite.

I settled on Belgium precisely because the universal response was "Belgium?" in an "are you mad?" kind of way. So, figuring our national blind spot might have prevented the kind of inflation I found across the border in France, I thought I would check it out and scooped up a fully refurbished, period apartment in the centre of Ostend, home of Rene Magritte and Marvin Gaye. Just a minute from the 9K sandy beach, I paid a quarter of what I'd have to cough up in Kiev, or a sixth in Brighton, only an hour further away...

Mad? Maybe, but would you buy a secondhand mansion from this man?


Wyndham said...

I've often wondered about people and their second home - how often do you intend to use this place?

Questrist said...

At least once a month and hopefully longer during holidays, between work (I'm a freelance) and indeed when working at home. I'll send you the web page I set up later.

The good thing about it is I don't have to fly - I can just get in a car or jump on a train and be there in around 3 and half hours.

Gordon MacMillan said...

Sorry dude, but you're in trouble. Belgium does not exist.

The existence of the supposed European country of Belgium has been taken as gospel for years by members of the Liberati. It has long been held up as a shining example of Liberal philosophies in action. However, now is the time the truth be known. Belgium doesn't exist.

Questrist said...

It's true in a way... for example, most people think the Belgians speak French, when in fact most speak Dutch. There's also an enthusiastic movement for an independent Flemish state....

Wyndham said...

Checked out that link. Looks an interesting building, and there was a hut on the beach so it must be a good one! Looks like a good investment, although all the Belgians I've ever met have been slightly deranged.

Questrist said...

Hence the surrealists!